Quilt Shops In Our Area

Country Quarter
111 Industrial Blvd. Napanee, ON K7R 3Z1
web: http://countryquarter.com
Fun With Stitches
c/o Gail Bax 613-966-4715
1977 Old Highway 2
Belleville Ontario K8N 4Z2
e-mail: info@funwithstitches.com
web: www.funwithstitches.com
Flare Fabrics
on-line store 1-888-97FLARE (1-888-973-5273)
1245 Dupont Street, PO Box 99075
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2A6
web: http://flarefabrics.ca/

Garden Thyme
c/o Karen Magee 613-384-8028
637 Norris Court
Kingston, ON K7P 2R9
email: kmagee5@sympatico.ca
web: http://www.gardenthymequiltfabricandgifts.ca/
Glen Ray Scissors
c/o Robert Jaffray 905-372-2016
RR #1,
Baltimore, Ont K0K 1C0

Picton Fabric World
c/o Geraldine Rorabeck 613-476-6397
261 Main Street
Picton, Ont. K0K 2T0
e-mail: grorabeck@sympatico.com
web: pictonfabricworld.com
Stitch by Stitch - Margaret Millar, Owner
550 Days Road 1-855-959- 9500
Kingston, Ont. K7M 8K2
e-mail: info@stitchbystitchkingston.ca

web: http://stitchbystitchkingston.ca/
Quilting Quarters
c/o Susan Shute 613-256- 4248
24 Mill St.
P.O. Box 329
Almonte, Ont. K0A 1A0
email: info@quiltingquarters.com
web: www.quiltingquarters.ca
V.B. Simkins Sewing Machines
c/o V. B. Simkins 613-546-6110
181 Sydenham St.
Kingston, Ont. K7K 3M1
email: vbsimsew@gmail.com
web: www.vbsimkinssewingmachines.com
Taylor Sewing Centre Quilt Shop
c/o Paul and Donna Taylor 613-342-3153
7712 Kent Blvd.,
Brockville, Ontario K6V 7H6
email: taylorsewing@taylorsewing.com
web: http://www.taylorsewing.com/
Wilton Creek Fabrics
c/o Shelley Lacelle 613-372-1972
4909 #38 Highway
Harrowsmith, Ont. K0H 1V0
email: shelly@wiltoncreekfabrics.com
web: www.wiltoncreekfabrics.com